What is UniBasic-IRIS?
UniBasic-IRIS is an interactive Business BASIC development language which operates on a wide range of Unix-based systems and supports most popular brands of peripheral equipment. Its open-systems architecture supports multiple users on a single Unix host, resulting in an extremely cost-effective solution for high volume business transactions. It is not uncommon for UniBasic-IRIS to host 256, 512, or 1,024 users on a single system. The highly efficient file structure is designed to provide rapid access to small databases as well as those containing millions of records.
Why Use UniBasic-IRIS?
Developers appreciate the ease with which applications are maintained and extended for their customers. Some of the most popular extension features include hot keys, pop-up windows, multi-tasking and interprocess communications. Support for 20-digit decimal math, indexed files, flat files, text files and called procedures written in BASIC or C are included.
UniBasic-IRIS Specifics
POINT 4 IRIS users can migrate Business BASIC programs and data using IMT, the IRIS Migration Toolkit, to UniBasic-IRIS, transparently and automatically, from any number of backup tapes. Once migrated, customers can take advantage of the full range of options offered by open systems environments.