Gen X-Port
Gen X-port is a portal and RAD (Rapid Application Development) toolkit, consisting of customizable web templates and a software API (Application Program Interface) which enables the creation of a web based presentation layer to your existing software application and database. You may use Gen X-port as a stand-alone web application, or within a web site, to exchange information between authorized users.
Gen X-port provides web access to real-time application data, such as inventory status, special pricing, order tracking and customer data. Information can be submitted directly from web-based forms to your application database. This facilitates common business tasks such as real-time processing of orders and inventory tracking. Using the Gen X~port development toolkit, you can quickly and easily provide clients with secure, browser-based, thin client, real-time access to your backend application and database.
Gen X-port includes an API that provides access between a public or private web site and applications and databases running on Unix or NT application servers. The API allows the developer to quickly and easily integrate real-time application data within a web site. This means you can seamlessly deliver application data through industry standard web browsers from Microsoft and Netscape without rewriting your entire application!
To test drive this exciting feature please call us (714-755-6550) for a login and password and click here!!