Chapter 2g: Master Files
Customer Master List
Print the Customer Master List to verify the data in the master file and to serve as a reference book whenever the video display terminals are not available.
Select Report Options
SEQ: (C)ust/(N)ame/(Z)ip/(S)man
The sequence lets you define the order in which customers appear on the report.
C = customer number sequence
N = customer name (alphabetic) sequence
Z = zip code sequence (consider this when you want
to print labels for mailings)
S = customer number sequence, but grouped by the
Salesman Code stored in each customer record
(print a customer list for each salesman)
RANGE: First to print
The Range fields let you select which customer to include in the report, based upon the sequence selected above.
CUSTOMER NUMBER SEQUENCE: Enter the first customer number to be included in the report.
CUSTOMER NAME SEQUENCE: Enter up to 10 characters for the first NAME to be included.
ZIP CODE SEQUENCE: Enter up to 5 digits for the first zip code to be included.
SALESMAN SEQUENCE: Enter the first 2-character Salesman code to be included.
Leave the field blank to start printing with the first customer number, name, zip code, or salesman in the Customer file.
RANGE: Last to print
Enter the last customer number, name, zip code, or salesman code to be included in the report, or leave the field blank to print through the end of the file.
MODE: (M)aster List/(L)abels
Indicate the format of the output.
M = Master list
L = Labels, standard 1-up, 1-inch
ONLY: Division code
If you are using divisional accounting, you can select customers of one division by entering the desired 2-character division code. Otherwise, make sure this field is blank.
ONLY: Credit Holds
You may print a list or labels of only customers who are currently on “credit hold” by answering (Y)es.
Review the report options and all selections are correct, press (RETURN) to start the report.
Inventory Master List
Print the Inventory Master List to verify data in the master file and to serve as a reference book whenever video display terminals are not available.
Select Report Options
SEQ: (I)tem/(P)rod/(G)en/(V)end
Select the order in which items appear on the report:
I = Item Number Sequence
P = Product Class Sequence
G = Generic Description Sequence
V = Vendor Number Sequence
RANGE: First to print
The Range fields determine what items appear on the report, based on the sequence you selected above.
ITEM NUMBER SEQUENCE: Enter the first item number to be included on the report.
PRODUCT CLASS SEQUENCE: Enter the first 2-character product class code to be included.
GENERIC DESCRIPTION SEQUENCE: Enter the first 6-character generic description to be included.
VENDOR NUMBER SEQUENCE: Enter the first 6-character vendor number to be included.
Leave the field blank to start at the beginning of the file.
RANGE: Last to print
Enter the last item number, product class, generic description, or vendor number to be included in the report, or leave the field blank to print through the end of the file.
INCLUDE Second line? (Y)or(N)
Enter "Y" to print an additional second line of information for each item, otherwise enter "N".
SPECIFY Warehouse code
To include items from one warehouse only, enter the warehouse code. Leave the field blank to print items in all warehouses.
ONLY: Material code
You can limit the items on the report by entering a specific 2-character material code. Otherwise, leave the field blank to include all items regardless of material code.
FG = finished goods items only
RM = raw material items only
NS = non-stocked items only
Review the report options and if all selections are correct, press (RETURN) to start printing.
Vendor Master List
Print the Vendor Master List to verify the data in the master file and to serve as a reference book whenever the video display terminals are not available.
Select Report Options
SEQ: (V)endor No/(N)ame/(Z)ip
The sequence lets you define the order in which vendors appear on the report.
V = vendor number sequence.
N = vendor name (alphabetic) sequence.
Z = zip code sequence (consider this when you
want to print labels for mailings)
RANGE: First to print
The Range fields let you select which vendors to include in the report, based upon the sequence selected above.
VENDOR NUMBER SEQUENCE: Enter the first vendor number to be included in the report.
VENDOR NAME SEQUENCE: Enter up to 10 characters for the first NAME to be included.
ZIP CODE SEQUENCE: Enter up to 5 digits for the first zip code to be included.
Leave the field blank to start printing with the first vendor number, name, or zip code in the Vendor file.
RANGE: Last to print
Enter the last vendor number, name, or zip code to be included in the report, or leave the field blank to print through the end of the file.
MODE: (M)aster List/(L)abels
Indicate the desired output.
M = Master list
L = Labels, standard 1-up, 1-inch
Review the report options and if all selections are correct, press (RETURN) to start the report.
Salesman Master List
Select Report Options
RANGE: First Salesman
The two range fields set limits for the report.
Enter the first two-character salesman code that you want to appear in the report, or leave the field blank to start at the beginning of the Salesman file.
RANGE: Last Salesman
Enter the last salesman code to be included in the report, or leave the field blank to print through the end of the file.
Review the report options and if all selections are correct, press (RETURN) to start the report.
G/L Chart of Accounts List
Print the G/L Chart of Accounts List to verify the data in the master file and to serve as a reference book whenever the video display terminals are not available.
Select Report Options
RANGE: First number to print
Enter the first G/L Account Number to be printed on the report, or leave the field blank to start at the beginning of the G/L master file.
RANGE: Last number to print
Enter the last Account Number to print, or leave the field blank to print through the end of the file.
ONLY: Account type (1-5,A=ALL)
You may choose to print only accounts of one particular account type:
1 = Assets
2 = Liabilities
3 = Equities
4 = Revenues
5 = Expenses
Or enter "A" to print all account types.
Review the report options and if all selections are correct, press (RETURN) to start the report.
Job Site Master List
Print the Job Site Master List to verify the data in the master file and to serve as a reference book whenever the video display terminals are not available.
Select Report Options
RANGE: First Customer number to print
Enter the first Customer Number to be printed on the report, or leave the field blank to start at the beginning of the Job Site file.
RANGE: Last Customer number to print
Enter the last Customer Number to print, or leave the field blank to print through the end of the file.
Review the report options and if all selections are correct, press (RETURN) to start the report.
Secondary Vendor Master List
Print the Secondary Vendor List to verify the data in the master file and to serve as a reference book whenever the video display terminals are not available.
You may choose to print in vendor sequence and list the items in the file for each vendor, or to print in item sequence and show the vendors set up for each item.
Select Report Options
SEQ: (V)endor or (I)tem
The sequence lets you define the primary format of the report.
V = vendor number sequence, showing each item in
the file for each vendor
I = item number sequence, listing each vendor that
has been set up for each item
RANGE: First to print
The two range options let you set the limits of the report.
VENDOR SEQUENCE: Enter the first Vendor Number to be printed on the report, or leave the field blank to start with the first vendor in the file.
ITEM SEQUENCE: Enter the first Item Number to be printed or leave the field blank to start with the first item number.
RANGE: Last to print
Enter the last Vendor or Item Number to print, or leave the field blank to print through the end of the file.
Review the report options and if all selections are correct, press (RETURN) to start the report.
Bill of Materials Master List
Print the Bill of Materials Master List to verify the data in the master file and to serve as a reference book whenever the video display terminals are not available.
The master list can also be used to compute the current cost to produce a finished good item.
The optional "where used" type of report shows a raw material item and lists all the finished goods in which the raw material is used in production.
Select Report Options
RANGE: First to print
The Range options let you set the limits of the report.
Enter the first Item Number to be printed on the report, or leave the field blank to start at the beginning of the Bill of Materials file.
If you select a "bill of materials" type report, enter the first finished good item number.
If you select a "where used" report, enter the first raw material item number.
RANGE: Last to print
Enter the last Item Number to print, or leave the field blank to print through the end of the file.
TYPE: (1) BOM, (2) Where used
There are two types of reports available. A "bill of materials" report prints a finished good item then lists the raw materials used in producing that item. A "where used" report prints a raw material then lists all finished good items in which the material is used to produce.
1 = bill of materials report
2 = where used report
INCLUDE Cost? (Y)or(N)
You may include on the printout the current unit cost of each material and thus the current total cost to produce the finished good.
Review the report options and if all selections are correct, press (RETURN) to start the report.
Substitute Item Master List
Print the Substitute Item Master List to verify the data in the master file and to serve as a reference book whenever the video display terminals are not available.
You may select to print primary (real) item numbers with substitute numbers listed for each item, or conversely, you may print substitute numbers with primary item numbers listed for each substitute number.
Select Report Options
RANGE: First to print
Enter the first Item Number to be printed on the report, or leave the field blank to start at the beginning of the Substitute Item file.
If you select an "item/sub" type report, enter the first primary item number.
If you select a "sub/item" report, enter the first substitute item number.
RANGE: Last to print
Enter the last Item Number to print, or leave the field blank to print through the end of the file.
TYPE: 1=item/sub 2=sub/item
There are two types of reports available. You may print a primary (real) item number then list all substitute numbers for that item. Or, you may print a substitute item number then list all primary numbers for that substitute number.
1 = item/sub report
2 = sub/item report
Review the report options and if all selections are correct, press (RETURN) to start the report.
Sorted Customer List
Use the Sorted Customer List program to print reports in support of your field salesmen. The program lets you sort the customer file by any two fields in the file, then print either a simple master list, a sales history report, or standard 1-inch labels.
The Customer Master List program gives you the ability to print in customer number, customer name, zip code, or salesman sequence. It has optional output of a full master list or mailing labels. The Sorted Customer List program gives more options for print sequence and the master list output format is one single line rather than five lines.
Some of the printouts you may want to get periodically:
1) sort by salesman and zip code and print customer labels for each salesman for mailing campaigns.
2) sort by salesman and print a sales history for each salesman.
3) sort by salesman and print a master list for each salesman.
4) sort by state for a sales analysis by state.
5) sort by tax code to list customers in each tax bracket: taxable, resale, out of state.
Select Report Options
There are no report options prior to starting this program. Press (RETURN) to start the program. A screen appears that requires your input before printing will actually start.
At any of the following prompts, you may press (END) to start over.
Select desired output
Three different output formats are available: sales history report, master list, or mailing labels.
1 = Sales History (13 month spreadsheet for each
customer, one line per customer)
2 = Master List (name and address, etc., one line
per customer)
3 = Mailing Labels (one-up, one-inch labels, five
lines per customer)
First sort parameters
Referring to the field list at the end of this section, enter the parameters (the data location) of the first sort field. The sort parameters are two numeric values separated by a comma.
For example, to print mailing labels for each salesman for bulk mailing sort by salesman, then zip code. Enter the parameters for SALESMAN CODE by typing "137,138".
The program will not proceed to the next field until the parameter values are valid.
Range: First to print
Whe the Range options you can set limits on the customers to be printed.
For the sort field you have selected, enter the first field value to be printed, or leave the range blank to start with the first record in the file.
Range: Last to print
For the sort field you have selected, enter the last field value to be printed, or leave the range blank to print through the last record in the file.
Do you want to print SUBTOTALS whenever this field changes? (Y)or(N)
Sales History output only: When the sort field changes value, do you want to print subtotals for the group of customers just listed? If the sort field is SALESMAN CODE for example, you may want to print salesman subtotals for each salesman's customers.
Do you want a NEW PAGE to begin whenever this field changes? (Y)or(N)
Master List output only: When the sort field changes value, do you want the printer to skip to the top of a new page? If the sort field is SALESMAN CODE for example, you may want to skip to the top of a new page for each salesman's customers.
Second sort parameters:
You may select a second sort field from the list of sort parameters at the end of this section.
Or, press (END) if you only want to sort on one field in the customer file.
If you do select a second sort field, you may enter Range options and Subtotal or New Page options as with the first sort parameter.
Do you want a (S)ummary or (D)etail listing? (S)or(D)
Sales History output only: You may choose to print a detail listing which prints each customer within the sort and range criteria, or a summary listing which prints SUBTOTAL lines only.
If you select a summary listing, you must select to print SUBTOTALS on one of the sort fields.
The program now scans the Customer master file and sorts the customers based on the Sort and Range options. The time to sort the file depends on the number of customers in the file. Expect a few minutes to sort. The printing begins immediately after the sort is concluded.
Customer file sort parameters
Field description Parameters