Chapter 9: Sales Anaysis


Reporting Decision-Making Information

As a byproduct of processing invoices and credit memos, historical sales information is captured and stored for later analysis. GENESYS reports sales history for customers, inventory, and salesmen.

There are three ways to print and analyze this data. First, and simplest, is the 13-month history of sales activity, showing the current month, twelve prior months, and current year-to-date. Second is the rank report, a sorting by sales volume over the current month or year-to-date which shows your top producers. Third is the detail analysis report which lists customers and the items they buy, salesmen and the items they sell, and inventory items and the customers who buy them.

Each report provides several Report Options which you can set up and override at the time a report is run. The report options result in hundreds of variations on each type of report.

The sales analysis reports are a major part of the time necessary to close the month, since you will want a printout of many reports as of the end of each month. Other sales analysis reports may be desired quarterly, or annually, or only as the need arises.

You may want to refer to the Job Stream chapter to review the method for setting up Sales Analysis reports as part of a monthly job. This lets you print a group of reports without requiring an operator's presence. The Report Options are pre-set by the operator.

Customer Detail Report

Customer Details - Items sold by customer

The detail analysis report lists activity for each customer, including units, sales dollars, and G/P%, for the current month, year-to-date, and total of last year, for each item the customer has purchased.

You may choose to print a detailed report listing each item sold to a customer, or a summary report which lists only product class totals rather than each individual item.

This is a lengthy report. You will likely print the report for all customers in detail only annually or semiannually.

Alternatively, the customer detail sales analysis is available for any customer using the Customer Insight program.

Select Report Options

RANGE: First Customer number to print

The two range fields set limits for the report. Enter the first customer number to appear on the report, or leave the field blank to start with the first customer in the file.

RANGE: Last Customer number to print

Enter the last customer number to appear on the report, or leave the field blank to include the last customer in the file.

You do not need to specify exact customer numbers. To print the customer numbers beginning with "A", for example, enter "A" for first customer, and "B" for last.

MODE: (D)etail/(S)ummary/(T)otal

Specify the degree of detail information to be listed.

Enter "D" for a detailed report, listing each individual inventory item sold to each customer during the current or prior fiscal year.

Enter "S" for a summary report, showing product class subtotals for each customer, not every item.

Enter "T" for a list of customer totals only--one line per customer.

ONLY: Division code

If you are using divisional accounting, you may print only customers in one division by specifying the desired division code. Otherwise, make sure this field is blank.

ONLY: Salesman no.

You can print only customers assigned to one salesman by specifying the desired salesman number. Pleas note that the input is NOT verified in the Salesman file, which means you are allowed to put in an invalid salesman, resulting in an empty report.


Should the report include gross profit percentages? You may want to print these reports for persons who should NOT know your G/P percentages.

MODE: (S)ingle or (A)ll

Enter "S" for single, and the program will ask you to enter specific customer numbers to be printed.

Enter "A" and all customers selected in the RANGE limits will print. When you select the single option, the RANGE limits are disregarded.

ONLY: Current month? (Y)or(N)

In an attempt to shorten the monthly report, you may choose to print only customers and items with sales activity during the current month. Since the YTD and Last Year subtotals and totals will include only the customers printed and will not represent company totals, they are eliminated from the report in this mode.

Review the report options and if all selections are correct, press (RETURN) to start the report.

Enter the CUSTOMER NUMBER to print, or (END)

This prompt appears only when you have selected the SINGLE print option.

Enter the number of the customer you wish to print. The detail sales analysis for this customer, if any, prints on the printer, then the prompt reappears. You may enter another customer number, or press (END) if you are done.

Customer History Report

Customer History - 13 months spreadsheet

The Customer History Report shows customer sales volume for the current month, twelve prior months, year-to-date, and last year-to-date. It may be printed in customer number or salesman sequence.

This report may be lengthy. You are likely to print the entire customer file only annually or semi-annually.

Alternatively, the sales history of any customer is available using the Customer Insight program.

Select Report Options

SEQ: (C)ustNo/(S)alesman

Enter "C" to print customers in customer number sequence.

Enter "S" to group customers by their assigned salesman number.

RANGE: First number to print

The two range fields set limits for the report. The range depends on the sequence you have selected above.

Enter the first customer number to appear on the report, or leave the field blank to start at the beginning of the customer file.

Enter the first salesman number for customers to appear on the report, or leave the field blank to start with the first salesman.

RANGE: Last number to print

Enter either the last customer to appear on the report, or the last salesman number for customers to appear on the report. Or, leave the field blank to print through the end of the file.

MODE: (D)etail/(S)ummary/(T)otal

Specify the degree of detail information to be listed.

Enter "D" for a detailed report, listing each customer within the specified RANGE limits.

Enter "S" for a summary report, which will list only salesman subtotals, and only if the salesman sequence is selected. If the customer sequence is selected, only the grand totals print.

Enter "T" for a grand total only, a one line report.

ONLY: Division code

If you are using divisional accounting, you may print only customer in one division by specifying the desired division code. Otherwise, make sure this field is blank.

Review the report options and if all selections are correct, press (RETURN) to start the report.

Customer Rank Report

Customer Ranking - By dollars or G/P

The rank report prints a picture of your top customers in sales or gross profit dollars, for the current month, or year-to-date. You can select to rank customers within their assigned territory (salesman number) so that each salesman can see the relative ranking of his customers.

The rank report makes two complete passes through the customer master file. First, it sorts (ranks) customers based on last month for MTD reporting, or over the same accounting period last year for YTD reporting. Then, it again sorts, based on the current month or year. This comparative ranking between the current period and last period helps to highlight those customers that have had the greatest change in rank.

Select Report Options

SEQ: (C)ustNo/(S)alesman

Indicate whether to rank all customers or to rank within salesman groups.

C rank all customers together as one group.

S rank customers within their assigned salesman
group. All customers will be ranked, but will
print within their salesman groupings.

MODE: (S)ales or (P)rofit

The ranking is based on either sales or gross profit figures.

S rank by sales dollars

P rank by gross profit dollars (sales less cost
of goods sold)


The ranking is based on sales or gross profit over the current month, year-to-date, or last year-to-date.

M current MONTH-to-date activity

Y current YEAR-to-date activity

L LAST year-to-date activity

SEQ: (A)scending, (D)escending

D rank from HIGHEST descending to LOWEST.

A rank from LOWEST ascending to HIGHEST.

SPECIFY minimum amount to print

You can limit the length of your report by specifying a minimum amount of sales or gross profit dollars required by a customer to be printed on the report.

SPECIFY XXX% of file to print

This is another way to limit the length of the report. Specify a percentage of the customers that exceed the minimum to be printed. For example, if approximately 1,000 customers exceed the minimum amount, then 30% means that approximately 300 customers (6 pages) will be listed.

ONLY: Division code

If you are using divisional accounting, you may print only customers in one division by specifying the desired division code. Otherwise, make sure this field is blank.

ONLY: Salesman no.

You can print only customers assigned to one salesman by specifying the desired salesman number. Otherwise, make sure this field is blank.

Review the report options and if all selections are correct, press (RETURN) to start the report.

Inventory Detail Report

Inventory Details - Customers buying items

The detail analysis report prints activity for each inventory item including units, sales dollars, and gross profit percent, for the current month, year-to-date, and total of last year.

You may choose to print a detailed report listing each customer that has purchased the item, or a summary report which shows just item totals, or a total report with only product class totals.

You can print the report at any time. It is commonly included in the month-end closing procedure.

This can be a lengthy report. You will likely print the report for all items in detail only annually or semi-annually.

Alternatively, the inventory detail sales analysis is available for any item using the Inventory Insight program.

Select Report Options

RANGE: First ProdClass/ItemNo to print

The two range fields set limits for the report.

Enter the first PRODUCT CLASS or PRODUCT CLASS and ITEM NUMBER to be included on the report, or leave the field blank to start at the beginning of the inventory file. If you are trying to begin with a specific ITEM NUMBER, you must also specify the PRODUCT CLASS for that item.

For example, if you want to begin with item number 1001, which has product class code 20, then enter 201001.

RANGE: Last ProdClass/ItemNo to print

Enter the last PRODUCT CLASS or PRODUCT CLASS and ITEM NUMBER to appear on the report, or leave the field blank to include items through the end of the inventory file.

MODE: (D)etail/(S)ummary/(T)otal

Specify the degree of detail information to be listed.

Enter "D" for a detailed report, listing each customer that has purchased each item during the current or prior fiscal year.

Enter "S" for a summary report, showing only item subtotals within each product class, not every customer.

Enter "T" for a list of product class totals only.

ONLY: Division code

If you are using divisional accounting, you may print only sales activity in one division by specifying the desired division code. Otherwise, make sure this field is blank.


Should the report include gross profit percentages? You may want to print these reports for persons who should NOT know your G/P percentages.

MODE: (S)ingle or (A)ll

Enter "S" for single, and the program will ask you to enter specific item numbers to be printed.

Enter "A" and all items selected in the RANGE limits will print. When you select the single option, the RANGE limits are disregarded.

ONLY: Current month? (Y)or(N)

In an attempt to shorten the monthly report, you may choose to print only customers and items with sales activity during the current month. Since the YTD and Last Year subtotals and totals will include only the items printed and will not represent company totals, they are eliminated from the report in this mode.

Review the report options and if all selections are correct, press (RETURN) to start the report.

Inventory History Report

Inventory History - 13 months spreadsheet

The history report shows inventory sales activity for the current month, twelve prior months, year-to-date, and last year-to-date. It may be printed in sequence by item number, product class, generic description, or primary vendor. You may select to print sales dollars or units.

This report may be lengthy. You are likely to print the entire inventory file only annually or semi-annually.

Alternatively, the sales history of any item is available using the Inventory Insight program.

Select Report Options

SEQ: (I)tem/(P)rod/(G)en/(V)end

Sequence refers to the order in which the items will appear on the report. Items will always list in order of their assigned Item Number, but additionally may be grouped and printed by Product Class, Generic Description, or Primary Vendor Number. There is no additional sort time needed to produce the report in any of the four available sequences.

Select a sequence:

I Item number sequence
P Product class code sequence
G Generic description sequence
V Vendor number sequence

RANGE: First to print

This entry determines the first item to be included on the report. Leave this entry blank to start at the beginning of the file, or enter a number to start at a specific point in the file.

Base your input on the sequence selected above. Enter the first Item number, Product class code, Generic description, or primary Vendor number.

RANGE: Last to print

This entry determines the last item to be included on the report. Leave this entry blank to finish at the end of the file. Enter a number to finish at a specific point in the file. Again, base your entry on the sequence selected.

MODE: (D)etail/(S)ummary/(T)otal

Specify the degree of detail information you want to print.

Enter "D" for a detailed report, listing each inventory item within the RANGE limits.

Enter "S" for a summary, showing only subtotals by product class, generic description, or vendor. If the item number sequence is selected, only the grand total prints.

Enter "T" for a grand total only--a one line report.

MODE: (S)ales or (U)nits

You may print history of sales dollars by typing "S", or sales units by entering "U".

ONLY: Material code

You can limit the items to print on this report by specifying the material category to be listed.

Enter "FG" to print only finished good items.

Enter "RM" to print only raw material items.

Enter "NS" to print only non-stocked items.

Or, you may leave the field blank to include all items of all material categories, within the RANGE limits.

SPECIFY Warehouse code

Any item may be stored and shipped from one or more warehouses. You may select to list only activity in one warehouse by entering the desired warehouse code. Or, by leaving the field blank, print activity for each item in all warehouses.

Review the report options and if all selections are correct, press (RETURN) to start the report.

Inventory Rank Report

Inventory Ranking - By dollars, B/P, units

The rank report prints a view of your top items in sales or gross profit dollars, or sales units, for the current month, or year-to-date. You can select to rank items within their product class.

The rank report makes two complete passes through the inventory master file. First, it sorts (ranks) items based on last month for MTD reporting, or over the same accounting period last year for YTD reporting. Then, it again sorts, based on the current month or year. This comparative ranking between the current period and last period helps to highlight those items that have had the greatest change in rank.

Select Report Options

SEQ: (I)temNo or (P)rodClass

Indicate whether to rank all items or to rank within product class groups.

I rank all items together as one group.

P rank items within their assigned product class
group. All items will be ranked, but will
print within their product class groupings.

MODE: (S)ales, (P)rofit, (U)nits

The ranking is based on either sales or gross profit figures or the number of units sold.

S rank by sales dollars

P rank by gross profit dollars (sales less cost
of goods sold)

U rank by units sold


The ranking is based on sales or gross profit over the current month, year-to-date, or last year-to-date.

M current MONTH-to-date activity

Y current YEAR-to-date activity

L LAST year-to-date activity

SEQ: (A)scending, (D)escending

D rank from HIGHEST descending to LOWEST

A rank from LOWEST ascending to HIGHEST

SPECIFY minimum amount to print

You can limit the length of your report by specifying a minimum amount of sales or gross profit dollars required by an item to be printed on the report.

SPECIFY XXX% of file to print

This is another way to limit the length of the report. Specify a percentage of the inventory that exceed the minimum to be printed. For example, if approximately 1,500 items exceed the minimum amount, then 20% means that approximately 300 items (6 pages) will be listed.

ONLY: Product class code

You can print only items within one product class grouping by specifying the desired product class code. Otherwise, make sure this field is blank.

ONLY: Vendor number

You can print only items within one primary vendor grouping by specifying the desired vendor number. Otherwise, make sure this field is blank.

SPECIFY Warehouse code

Any item may be stored and shipped from one or more warehouses. You may select to list only activity in one warehouse by entering the desired warehouse code. Or, by leaving the field blank, print activity for each item in all warehouses.

Review the report options and if all selections are correct, press (RETURN) to start the report.

Salesman Detail Report

Salesman Details - Items sold by salesman

The detail analysis report lists activity for each salesman including units, sales dollars, and gross profit percent, for the current month, year-to-date, and total of last year, for each item the salesman has sold.

You may choose to print a detailed report listing each item sold by a salesman, or a summary report which lists only product class subtotals, or a totals report showing only salesman subtotals.

Select Report Options

RANGE: First Salesman to print

The two range fields set limits for the report. Enter the first salesman number to appear on the report, or leave the field blank to start with the first salesman in the file.

RANGE: Last Salesman

Enter the last salesman number to appear on the report, or leave the field blank to include the last salesman in the file.

MODE: (D)etail/(S)ummary/(T)otal

Specify the degree of detail information to be listed.

Enter "D" for a detailed report, listing each individual inventory item sold by each salesman during the current or prior fiscal year.

Enter "S" for a summary report, showing product class subtotals for each salesman, not every item.

Enter "T" for a list of salesman totals only, one line per salesman.

ONLY: Division code

If you are using divisional accounting, you may print only customers in one division by specifying the desired division code. Otherwise, make sure this field is blank.


Should the report include gross profit percentages? You may want to print these reports for persons who should NOT know your G/P percentages.

ONLY: Current month? (Y)or(N)

In an attempt to shorten the monthly report, you may choose to print only items with sales activity during the current month. Since the YTD and Last Year subtotals and totals will include only the items printed and will not represent company totals, they are eliminated from the report in this mode.

Review the report options and if all selections are correct, press (RETURN) to start the report.

Salesman History Report

Salesman History - 13 months spreadsheet

The history report shows salesman sales volume for the current month, twelve prior months, year-to-date, and last year-to-date.

Select Report Options

RANGE: First Salesman to print

The two range fields set limits for the report. Enter the first salesman number to appear on the report, or leave the field blank to start at the beginning of the salesman file.

RANGE: Last Salesman to print

Enter the last salesman number to appear on the report, or leave the field blank to include salesmen through the end of the salesman file.

Review the report options and if all selections are correct, press (RETURN) to start the report.

Salesman Rank Report

Salesman Ranking - By dollars or G/P

The rank report shows the relative sales performance of your salesmen by ranking them based on sales or gross profit dollars, for the current month or year-to-date.

The rank report makes two complete passes through the salesman master file. First, it sorts (ranks) salesmen based on last month for MTD reporting, or over the same accounting period last year for YTD reporting. Then, it again sorts, based on the current month or year. This comparative ranking between the current period and last period helps to highlight those salesmen that have had the greatest change in rank.

Select Report Options

MODE: (S)ales or (P)rofit

The ranking is based on either sales or gross profit figures.

S rank by sales dollars

P rank by gross profit dollars (sales less cost
of goods sold)


The ranking is based on sales or gross profit over the current month, year-to-date, or last year-to-date.

M current MONTH-to-date activity

Y current YEAR-to-date activity

L LAST year-to-date activity

SEQ: (A)scending, (D)escending

D rank from HIGHEST descending to LOWEST.

A rank from LOWEST ascending to HIGHEST.

SPECIFY minimum amount to print

You can limit the length of your report by specifying a minimum amount of sales or gross profit dollars required by a salesman to be printed on the report.

SPECIFY XXX% of file to print

This is another way to limit the length of the report. Specify a percentage of the salesmen that exceed the minimum to be printed. For example, if approximately 100 salesmen exceed the minimum amount, then 30% means that approximately 30 salesmen (1 page) will be listed.

Review the report options and if all selections are correct, press (RETURN) to start the report.

Source Analysis Report

Analysis by Source of Order

Each time an order is entered, you may input a source code, which basically attributes the order to one of many ways you have established for generating sales. Your source codes might consist of different advertising campaigns, fliers, circulars, business shows, toll free phones--any number of strategies for generating new orders. At the end of each month, you can evaluate the relative success of these strategies by printing the Source Analysis Report.

Some firms choose to set up their Source Codes with the initials of the in-house ordertakers. Then, the monthly Source Analysis Report becomes a sort of commission report for in-house order desk people. It breaks down the monthly sales by ordertaker.

The Source Analysis file is cleared as part of the Month End Update. If you want to print this report, please print it prior to the update.

Select Report Options

SEQ: (S)alesman/Source (C)ode

Enter "S" to list activity grouped by salesman, showing a salesman, then listing the codes active for that salesman during the month.

Enter "C" to list activity grouped by source code, with the salesmen listed within each code.

RANGE: First code to print

Enter the first salesman code, or first source code to be listed on the report. Leave the field blank to print from the beginning of the Source Analysis file.

RANGE: Last code to print

Enter the code for the last salesman or source to be listed. Leave the field blank to print through the end of the Source Analysis file.

MODE: (S)ummary or (D)etail

Specify the degree of detailed information to print.

Enter "D" to list all activity for each code and for each salesman.

Enter "S" to list only salesman subtotals when printing in salesman sequence, or source code subtotals when printing in source code sequence.

Review the report options and if all selections are correct, press (RETURN) to start the report.





Select Report Options

RANGE: First customer to print

Enter the first customer to be listed on the report. Leave the field blank to print from the beginning of the Cardex file.

RANGE: Last customer to print

Enter the code for the last customer to be listed. Leave the field blank to print through the end of the Cardex file.


RANGE: From date (MMDDY)


RANGE: First Inventory Number

Enter the first item number to be listed on the report. Leave the field blank to print all item numbers.

RANGE: Last Inventory Number

Enter the first item number to be listed on the report. Leave the field blank to print all item numbers.

Review the report options and if all selections are correct, press (RETURN) to start the report.


Customer Rank Report - Bill To





SEQ: (C)ustNo/(S)alesman


MODE: (S)ales or (P)rofit


MODE: (M)TD, (Y)TD, (L)astYTD


SEQ: (A)scending, (D)escending


SPECIFY: minimum amount to print


SPECIFY: XXX% of file to print


ONLY: Division code


ONLY: Salesman no.









Customer Detail Sales History



RANGE: First Customer number

RANGE: Last Customer number

MODE: (D)etail/(S)ummary/(T)otal

ONLY: Division code

ONLY: Salesman no.

MODE: (S)ingle or (A)ll

MODE: (S)ales, (P)rofit, (U)nits